
Brightly after New Year parties where people enjoy cocktails and food dashes, a main concern about weight gain rushes in. A British professional, myspecialK, has collected data and information about weight gain. Most Britain believes that having high self esteem greatly affects the health and can lead to a healthy method of losing weight. However, [...]


When fate is the hunter, and we are suddenly in trouble and alone, one healing solace remains The pain hit me in the back, sent me sprawling onto the damp lawn. I had gone into the garden on a fine spring day to inspect a honeysuckle bush for new growth. I grasped a branch and [...]


The small boy agreed willingly last September to a change of schools, from a private school for boys to a small-town public school. Probably he hoped for a school where they did not teach reading, arithmetic or social studies – those subjects that get in the way of a really good time at school. He [...]


Consider the shark: a creature that has ruled without serious challenge the major part of the Earth’s surface for at least 100 million years; a creature so supremely adapted to its role in nature that it has had to change hardly at all since the time of the great dying-off of the dinosaurs more than [...]

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Before a full house in New York City’s Philharmonic Hall, the Japanese soloist played brilliantly, imitating to perfection the sound of wind blowing through a bamboo grove. The subtle tone, the oscillating rhythm was an exotic, even puzzling experience for the audience. For this night, November 9, 2011, marked the Western debut of the shakuhachi [...]