Hair loss is a growing concern in people from all walks of life in today’s world. Common culprits could be pollution, stress and unhealthy eating habits. In today’s’ world people are also very concerned about their looks and well groomed and well maintained hair forms an important part of one’s looks. To make the best out of this trend, there are several hair care salons that have mushroomed all over the world offering varied treatments and remedies to help prevent hair loss. Hair loss can be treated with proper care, homemade remedies and medication in most cases. Given below are some tips on how to prevent hair loss.
Hair fall prevention solutions can range from cheap homemade remedies to really expensive salon treatments. In case of budgetary constrains some of the simple facts that you can keep in mind to prevent hair loss is the hairstyle. Using the right hairstyle goes a long way in preventing hair fall. Tightly pulled back hairstyles, pony tails and the use of tight hair rollers despite the fact that they add to your good looks can harm your hair and lead to permanent baldness. It is very important that you choose a hair style that does not damage your hair and lead to hair loss.
Your diet also plays a major role in hair fall prevention. Hair follicles require nutitrtion to remain healthily. Without good nutrition, your hair tends to become thin and break off easily. B Vitamins usually found in whole grains, eggs, fresh fruits, milk and meat works wonders for your hair. Vitamin B3 helps increase the blood circulation to your scalp, Vitamin B5 helps prevent hair fall and induces hair growth, vitamins B12 and B6 also help maintain your hair and induces hero growth. Apart from these vitamins, vitamins E, A and C also help in healthy hair growth. These vitamins can be found in leafy vegetables, nuts, eggs, kiwis, pineapples and other fruits and vegetables that are available easily in the market. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet helps promote hair growth.
Another main cause for hair fall is smoking. If you are a smoker and want to prevent hair fall, try quitting. Smoking causes the capillaries in your body to contract thus not letting sufficient amount of blood to flow to your follicles, which makes your hair weak and susceptible to breakage.
Apart from this there are several herbal remedies that are cost effective and that you can try at home. Regular massage with Amla (Indian gooseberry) oil helps increase blood circulation to the follicles thus helps you maintain a healthy and lustrous hair. Mustard oil and henna leaves also helps hair growth. It is also suggested that rubbing your scalp with your fingers after a cold hair wash, tends to activate the sebaceous gland and thus increases the blood circulation, there by promotion healthy hair growth.
Depending on the severity of the hair fall situation, it is advisable that you visit a doctor who can help diagnose the real reason for your hair fall. In some cases, hair fall prevention requires medical intervention and problems identified at the initial stages can be treated easily than at later stages.