What exactly is KidBiz3000.com? It’s the first web-based, reading and writing instructional solution for individuals in grades two through eight, that is able to reach each student at his/her Lexile level. It is powered by a type of proprietary software engine which distributes the exact same assignments to the whole class, but then tailors them in accordance to the individual students’ reading level. KidBiz3000.com helps teachers to move their students up in a steady manner, from level to level. This program also gives teachers an extended reach without increasing their workloads or demands on their time. And the most important feature of this program is that it has been proven to accelerate the student’s reading comprehension, their writing proficiency, and develop their vocabulary. And all this results in better performance in high-stakes test scores.
Some facts about KidBiz3000.com – it is the single best comprehensive instructional solution for differentiated writing and reading from grade two through grade five. It is scientifically proven to bring increased levels in both writing proficiency and reading comprehension. It is applicable to the whole student population, whether mainstream or Special Needs.
This program involves the students and engages them. It’s a fact that 70% of all students will continue to use the KidBiz3000.com program outside of the school during their off time after hours. They can have their reading assessed even on weekends. How you may ask?
KidBiz3000.com focuses on improving the writing and reading skills of the student, and it does this throughout the Summer. As a matter of fact, the Summer programs are focused on the student reading each Summer day, for a period of six to eight weeks. Additionally, Achieve3000 give good on-site virtual support which helps to ensure success in the differentiated instruction. And this accelerates their academic success.
KidBiz3000.com is the very first instructional solution delivering truly differentiated writing and reading assignments that are based on individual student Lexile levels. Here are some of the ways that KidBiz works its wonders:
Individualization – Every day the students will receive level-appropriate assignments that are standard aligned non-fiction writing/reading assignments. The receive them through a safe, secure emailing system. These web-based assignments are made to be interactive, and to engage the student and motivate them highly. They are focused on practice with more time devoted to being ‘on-task’. This in turn results in gains in their reading comprehension skills, their fluency, and their writing skills. They also develop in their vocabulary skills across subject lines.
Reassessment – The students’ comprehension level is monitored by the input of daily formative assessments of their abilities in the area of reading comprehension. But in order to measure their Lexile growth, they’re given a second LevelSet administration at mid-year. This is so student Lexiles can undergo an adjustment and the student be assigned more appropriate leveled assignments. Then at the years end, there is a post-assessment given, along with another versions of the LevelSet being administered.
Reports – KidBiz3000.com provides administrators and the teacher with ongoing reports on management, and vital diagnostic data. This enables them to perform individualized interventions based on what the student’s needs are.
What is meant by ‘differentiated instruction?’. This term means that the students are offer a wide variety of learning options, all designed to tap into their different levels of readiness, as well as their learning profiles and interests. Teachers of a differentiated class use the following things:
Additionally, activities and assignments along with integrated formative assessments should all be aligned with the state standards and the scientifically proven accelerative gains in regard to reading levels. This also holds true for vocabulary skills, high stake test scores, and writing abilities.