The M&T Bank began in 1856 as the Manufacturers and Traders Bank, Today the M&T Bank Corporation is among the 20 most important headquartered commercial banks in the United States. Current assets of the M&T Bank are almost $80 billion. The bank can be found online at www.mtb.com, as well as in 780 branches spread throughout the states of Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington, Virginia, West Virginia, Florida, New Jersey and Delaware. The bank also has branches in Toronto, Canada.
The M&T Bank prides itself on being a community-serving bank, and donates many millions of dollars annually to help community based fund raising projects and organizations.
When you go the www.mta.com, you will be pleased to see the website is not over-confusing or full of financial jargon like some other financial institution websites. The options offered to visitors are very clear, with the main choices being to login to an existing account, to open a new account, or to find a branch or ATM machine in your local vicinity.
If you login to an existing account, you will be able to check the balance of your account, apply for services such as credit cards, and manage your monthly payments online.
If you want to open a new account, you are given many options from the drop-down menu. Choices include opening a checking account, a savings account or applying for a personal loan account. Once you decide what type of account you want, you will be asked to enter the ZIP code where you plan to do your banking. The website will then provide you with all the different account options open to you. For example, if you wish to open a checking account in New York you could choose a “Power Checking Account” a “M&T Classic Checking With Interest” or a “College Checking” account. Each option comes with a full list of features and benefits, as well as a handy comparison tool that allows taking a side-by-side look at all of your options. Together, these features ensure that you will apply for the most suitable account for your needs.
If you have a business, www.mtb.com offers specific banking services for businesses. The M&T Bank will provide business and company owners with a customized banking solution specifically designed for each business, which is needless to say a very useful option, as no two businesses will have precisely the same banking requirements. To get more information, there is a link on the www.mtb.com website that directs you to www.mtbforbusiness.com. There you will be able to apply for an account based on your individual business requirements.
A summary of www.mtb.com is it is a very pratical, and easy to navigate website for existing customers, those who want to open an account, or if you are simply looking for banking information. The site has many interesting tutorials on explaining banking related subjects, such as how to avoid identify theft and online scams.
Visit Website: www.mtb.com
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Dear Mr. Tamaro RE: Mortgage No: 0007044340
M&T Bank require me to make three monthly payments of $93.00 per month, beguining on february 01, 2013. I accept option #1, but is impossible to me contact you for the last three days at (800) 724-1633. I confirm my participation, and I am waiting for directions on how to mail my first Trial Period Plan Payment. Call me please at 787-525-0361 or 787-791-5191, remember I do not speak english, I need an spanish spoken person.
Thanks a lot,
Marisol Pontón Martínez.