Online billing service is the best way to pay your bills. Receiving your bills via mail and making payments manually through cheques is a time consuming process. Paying bills saves money you on postage and more importantly, it will help to save time. Not all banks offer you the option of electronic payment of your bills. MyCheckFree is an online bill payment service that offers electronic payment of your bills for free. Online bill payment services enable you to receive and pay your bills online. It is so much faster and easier than paper bills. The bills are paid fast and there is a guarantee that your payee will receive the payment once you choose to pay it.
The many good points:
MyCheckFree makes your bill payment online a simple process.
The main thing that would catch your attention as soon as you open the website is the cute little dog called “scout” who is the most faithful and loyal Bill Retriever. He sits there holding your bills in his mouth and ready to go for more. To start using MyCheckFree online bill paying service, simply click on the “go scout! Enrol” option. Once you sign up, with your account details and other details, you can simply sign in, retrieve your bills and start paying.

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Once you sign in, scout the bill retriever will retrieve all your bills, you can view the bills that you want to see by clicking the “view bill” link. You can tell scout which bills you want to pay by marking the bills you want to pay in the check box beside each bill and then click on the pay box to the left of the bill. You can then fill in the payment details such as the amount and the date and the account from which you want the payment to be made. After filling in the details, click on pay. Your bill will be paid as per your request.
The main advantages of using MyCheckFree are that you save a lot of your time. Paying your bills online is way faster than the traditional way of paying it with paper cheques. You even save money on your postage. Signing up is easy, if you need help you will have scout to guide you through the whole process.
Once you sign up, signing in is easy and just takes a few seconds. The online bill retriever, scout, retrieves all your bills for you when you ask him to. All the bills that are retrieved are presented to you in a list. You can view all your bills quick and easy by just clicking on the option to view bills that will be on the right hand side of the company name. You can also get a printed copy of your bills and the payments made. After you view them you can pay the ones you want to pay online in just a few clicks. Scout does everything for you.
Once you fill in the payment details, your bills are paid in a jiffy. What’s more is that, this service is absolutely free. If you have queries about the bill payment system, there are FAQ’s on the website itself. When you open the website MyCheckFree, click on the FAQ tab and you will get the whole list of frequently asked questions; you will probably find all the answers to your questions right there.
Another big advantage of MyCheckFree is that it makes it possible for you to make emergency payments. More or less often when you have to meet deadlines or you have to make payments in a jiffy to avoid late fee charges or higher rates of interest, MyCheckFree give you the option to make an emergency and it won’t even cost you much. The emergency payments are made within the same day itself and so you don’t have to worry about your bill being paid late. This particular online payment service also gives a 100% guarantee that your payments will surely reach your payees as per your request.
This certainly saves you the trouble of worrying whether your payee will be really paid or not. Also, if you do happen to forget about a certain payment, i.e. whether you paid a certain bill last month or how much you paid for a certain bill, MyCheckFree has all the information on all the transactions you made. You can simply retrieve the bill and click on it to view the details. MyCheckFree will have a six month record of details of all your bills that were received and paid.
All your account information and other personal information are confidential. It has a reputation of being highly secure and reliable. MyCheckFree also provides you with customer service via email and also chat. You can also cancel bill payments, but it should be cancelled at least 24 hours before the due date of the payment.
The minor drawback:
What most people always find as a drawback of MyCheckFree is the fact that you can only pay bills to those companies which are in its database. So it doesn’t completely eliminate the use of the traditional way of paying bills by sending the companies cheques through post. If you want to know the list of companies whose bills you can pay through MyCheckFree, open the website and then click on the tab “what bills can I pay?” You will get a list of companies that are linked with MyCheckFree.
You can make online bills payments through this service only to the companies that are listed here. For emergency payments and for payments using credit cards, this services charges an extra fee. The biggest disadvantage of MyCheckFree is that the number of payees available on list is very limited.
MyCheckFree is a free online billing service that offers its clients the ability to make quick payment to payees via an electronic payment system. Although it has a disadvantage of having a limited payee list available, the advantages of using MyCheckFree to make payments are the reasons why many people use this service for making online payments. MyCheckFree has a record of being secure and reliable so using this service is a responsible choice.
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