From the very start the website was very welcoming, after entering www.suntrust.comin my browser, a small blue box immediately came up asking me if I would like to know more about the new website or I would simply like to go straight to the new website, along with a Spanish option for those that require it.
After clicking “learn more” I was taken to a very professional looking flash video, the website HTML looks very high quality at this point, I love the color scheme, it was white with a pleasant shade of blue.
I then played the flash video, which was just over 3 minutes in length, it was very professionally done and informative, they also did a great job of making me feel welcome to the site through the introduction video, the presenter talked through the changes which have been introduced on the new website, having not visited the old website prior, these weren’t really relevant to me.
I then clicked to go back to the main site, where I was presented with the page tabs that had been explained in the video, and a few nice photographs, one quick point to note, I think they may have got the retirement photograph mixed up with another one, since the very photogenic lady in the retirement photograph looks about 25 at most, either that or she’s found the secret to eternal life, I suspect the website wanted to portray the image that it’s never to early to start planning for your retirement, but it felt a little forced, since 25 year old women are not the first thing that comes to mind when I think about a short site article on retirement, my suspicion was confirmed when I saw the tab saying “Getting Started” this time with a possibly younger woman.
Anyway, I’ve talked a lot about the aesthetics of the website, which is very good, now it’s time to talk a little about the usability. I selected “Personal Banking”. The drop down boxes were very good, I hovered my mouse over the category “Everyday Banking” and I was presented with around 20 options to choose from, they really seem to have thought of everything.
However being a small businessman myself I wanted to take a more in-depth look at the “Small Business” category, I was not sure this time that a lot of the options provided applied to me, I would expect to see options such as “Payroll Management” or “Taking Credit/Debit Card Payments” , they do offer “Merchant Service” (which is taking credit card payments) but I had to click another category to get there, as a small businessman this would be one of, if the most important concern I would have when considering if this bank could meet by business needs.
Overall the website was very good, I would definitely consider using this bank for a personal banking account, I would have to do more investigation to see if I would use this bank for a business banking account, although having clicked on the options it did give me more in-depth information.
Visit Website: www.suntrust.com